Meet us at IDS-2023

đŸŠ· The International Dental Show, the leading global trade fair for the dental community, is in Cologne, from 14 to 18 March 2023, where dental practitioners, prosthetists and dental laboratories, manufacturers, dealers, research institutes, experts and students are gathered.

We are one of the 850 companies, from 50+ countries, that will participate in the 100th anniversary edition of the event. This is a great opportunity for dental professionals to:

▶ take a tour of the essential trends and best practices of the sector

▶ discover new products, current and ongoing developments

▶ present research results

We hope to meet you there on our stand Hall 10.1 stand B078-C079  😉!

#IDS2023 #dentalindustry #dentistryworld #frenchtech #innovation #elsodent

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