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French dental composite production site : Elsodent's location

Our french dental composite production site is located at Cergy-Pontoise (about 25 kms northwest of Paris)

Elsodent une production made in france

Our dental composite production site is located 25 kms northwest of Paris, in Cergy-Pontoise. It includes houses the R&D laboratory, production area, sales department and administration offices.

Our multi-disciplinary team includes professionals who are experts in fields including dentistry, chemistry and pharmacy–allowing us propose a constantly-improving range of products, covering most needs in a dental practice. The production site is certified ISO 9001: 2008 & 13485 : 2012. Most of our products are designed, manufactured and packaged on our premises. 

These products are then labeled “100% designed and manufactured in France”.. The laboratory ensures its full autonomy and secures its market A to Z by controlling the quality of its products. The commercial department works out on the road as well as by phone and internet, and our distributors’ reps are given detailed technical training for optimal presentation of the product range.

Elsodent markets and distributes its products in most European countries: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic; as well as in SE Asia, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

Our dental products line includes :

  • A temporary filling cement (Elsotemp)
  • A temporary dual cure composite for undercuts-free cavities (Prorez)
  • A classics resins for temporary C & B (Phoenix) and a “premium” one, virtually unbreakable Phoenix MD)
  • Core built up composites, thixotrope and as hard as dentin (Core D & Core D Flow, Core D SC), which release Cacium ions and Fluorides
  • A resin-based luting cement is available in 2 versions (strong and regular retention), used as a temporary cement on natural teeth, and as a semi-definitive cement on implant.
  • A permanent cement with excellent adhesive properties, at a very competitive price/quality ratio.
  • A cavity liner that release Fluorides and Calcium ions (Hi Seal)
  • Lampe : ULTIMA, Pro Lux
  • Endodontie : ENDONEEDLE
  • Impression silicones (Harmony range).
  • Divers : NOTREDAM (digue)
  • Disposable applicators (Elsobrush), available in 3 sizes.

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