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When Elsodent meets the biocompatibility

As we are conscious of the toxicity in current dental restoration materials, our R&D department is developing a new range of composites and resins which are of excellent quality physically, mechanically and aesthetically, using more biocompatible and non-hydrolysable molecules.

As we are conscious of the toxicity in current dental restoration materials, our R&D department is developing a new range of composites and resins which are of excellent quality physically, mechanically and aesthetically, using more biocompatible and non-hydrolysable molecules.

HYDROLISIS : A HIDDEN TIMEBOMB The polymerization rate of resin-based dental restorative materials (composites, cements) is between 38 – 65%. About half of the organic molecules used in these products remain free after polymerization and can, over time, slowly diffuse into the mouth.

Most of these components (BisGMA, TEGDMA and HEMA) are attacked by the salivary enzymes that divide their chains into smaller substances which are toxic for the organism. TEGDMA (Tri Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate) Fluid monomer is usually used as a diluent for BisGMA, at a concentration level of between 8 to 10%. It is easily hydrolyzed by the saliva enzymes into formaldehyde which is highly toxic. Beyond its inherent toxicity, it has genotoxic or cytotoxic effects, depending on the cells. BisGMA (Bisphenol A Diglycidyl Methacrylate) Monomer widely used for composites and resins, it is synthesized from Bisphenol A (BPA) and Glycidyl Methacrylate. Its hydrolysis, as well as its derivative products (BisEMA), re-releases the BPA used for its production.

HEMA (hHydroxyethyl Methacrylate) Short chain monomer, it easily passes through cell walls and has the capacity to interact with the DNA; it interferes in its reparation, and cause mutations and could possiblycancers. SOURCES • Genotoxicity and cytoxicity of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate – Elzbieta pawlowska et ol. – Mutation Research 696 (2010) 122-129 • Cytoxicity of the dental composite component TEGDMA and selected metabolic by-products in human pulmonary cells – J Emler et ol. • TEGDMA and Bisphenol-A : the same level of risk in dental medicine ? – Jean-Marc Meyer – Autredent, No. 56, pages 81-86, 2010. Easily identify the products from the BIO+ range thanks to this logo that can be found on their productsheet!


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